WIN a signed copy of “East of Mecca” - a timely, harrowing, and heartbreaking story of love and betrayal, the transcendent power of friendship, and the ultimate price of oppression. Written by author and psychologist, Sheila Flaherty, “East of Mecca is an important story that is written so well that you won’t be able to turn off your bedside lamp until you’ve turned the last page. Protagonist, Sara, is aRead more →
Archive for the We Move Forward Category
WHOA - WMF #s are WAY UP ↑ Registrations are pouring in. More women than ever before are saving their seat at We Move Forward. The conference venue has limited space, and hotels are filling-up on tropical Isla Mujeres. If you want to experience “WMF 2015 – Live Your Best Life” – get in on the action today & you will save $100. The early-bird rate expires December 31, 2014.Read more →
It’s Thanksgiving in the USA and we’re Giving – Giving – Giving Away 3 signed copies of NEVER TOO LATE: YOUR ROADMAP TO REINVENTION – the #1 Amazon Bestseller Women’s Personal Growth! In NEVER TOO LATE, author Claire Cook shares everything she's learned along the way—from writing her first book in her minivan at 45, to walking the red carpet at the Hollywood premiere of MUST LOVE DOGS at 50,Read more →
Get in on this Give-away!!! A great read – ‘Scandalous Women’ will take you back in time and introduce you to the not-so-well-behaved women who made history! The women who have caused wars, defied rules, and brought men to their knees. The famous and the infamous, queens, divorcees, actresses, and outlaws that created a ruckus during their lifetimes—turning heads while making waves. Written by historian, author and former We MoveRead more →
A Glimpse into Day 1 of We Move Forward. It’s the top of the morning of Friday, March 6, 2015. You’re on tropical, sunny Isla Mujeres, The Island of Women, Mexico. And already, you’re feeling rested and rejuvenated. You think back to the night before where you met other We Move Forward participants at the Happy Hour Meet & Mingle. You’re amazed at how quickly all of you clicked, andRead more →
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and We Move Forward is partnering with WMF 2014’s featured speaker, Mary Carwile, to honor all those women who have or have had this horrible disease. Mary, a breast cancer survivor, is giving away a gift package containing her 2 books: Heartstrings & Pink Ribbons AND Heartstrings at 35,000 feet. Her stories, featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, will touchRead more →
“My We Move Forward adventure began the moment I committed to going.” We hear this year after year from participants, because for many, WMF involves one or more “firsts”. Firsts, such as: Going to Isla Mujeres, Mexico Participating in a women’s retreat Traveling alone, or just with a girlfriend Meeting new friends from around the globe Getting to know & spending time with featured speakers Engaging in new, fun andRead more →
The Adventures of Thomas the Cat by children's author, Lynda Lock and illustrator Diego Medina of Isla Mujeres, Mexico, is this week's We Move Forward WIN Wednesday Giveaway! This children's book is not only engaging and well illustrated, it is also written in both English and Spanish - thanks to translation by Christy Dix. A fun story about Thomas' adventurous move from Canada to Isla Mujeres, Mexico where We MoveRead more →
Deciding to shift from ‘maybe coming’ to “I’m All In” can pay off in October. By opting in and registering for We Move Forward 2015 this month, your name will go into a draw to WIN $200 US Dollars in spending money!!! And that is on top of the Early Bird Discount of $100, available until October 31, 2014. Why wait? REGISTER NOW and get in on the contest What KindRead more →
How would you like to WIN a signed & personalized copy of best-selling book ‘Extreme Mean’ by We Move Forward 2015 Keynote speaker, Paula Todd? Enter your name & email address now or no later than midnight today, Wednesday, August 20th, Eastern Standard Time, and your name will be entered into the draw! What Would You Rather? A) Hear a canned inspirational talk by a speaker who pops in forRead more →