Here’s your chance to WIN a signed & personalized copy of the book, East of Mecca, by WMF 2016 speaker, author, and psychologist, Dr. Sheila Flaherty! This moving and unforgettable novel, East of Mecca, tells a timely, harrowing, and heartbreaking story of love and betrayal, the transcendent power of sisterhood, and the ultimate price of oppression. Don’t miss out - enter your name & email address now or no later thanRead more →
Archive for the We Move Forward Category
October is the time to snatch-up lower priced airfare, and to nail-down where you will slip off your sandals during We Move Forward – a 4-day “crazy, amazing life affirming experience.” Here are the WAYS to TAKE OFF $$$ NOW & SOAR in MARCH 2016. Register for We Move Forward before December 31, 2015 and you will save $100 by taking advantage of the 2015 early-bird rate of $495Read more →
Look at What We Move Forward is Giving Away! ENTER NOW to WIN a free copy of best-selling book, ‘A Quiet Courage: Inspiring Stories from All of Us' by WMF 2016 speaker, author and investigative journalist, Paula Todd. Simply fill in your name and email address and submit your entry by 12 am, October 1, 2015. The winner will be announced on the WMF Facebook Page and WMF Twitter feedRead more →
Dip your toe in. Wade in. Jump in. Dive in. We all have our own way of going all-in and living our best life! And that’s why We Move Forward’s Theme in 2016 is literally – Live Your Best Life! Our line-up includes a blend of new remarkable faces, along with conference favorites. Speakers will share inspirational stories and messages on how they shifted personal and professional challenges, andRead more →
We Move Forward 2016 has Launched & We’re Celebrating with a New Payment Option & Great Gift Give-Away! The Great Gift Give-Away: I Am Divine cards – Affirming our Divine Nature in Everyday Life! It makes perfect sense – begin the WMF 2016 gift giveaways with the “I am Divine” 52 card set and accompanying book of meditations, created by Barbara Burke, the woman who will guide WMF participantsRead more →
We have an amazing line-up of new and notable faces that will be joining conference favorites: 14 women, and 1 man, who together will serve up a delicious 3 days of inspiration, insights, fun and tangible takeaways! And, psssst, do you want to know the secret ingredient that has women returning year after year? At WMF, participants get the opportunity to meet, talk and hang out with the keynote andRead more →
A life-affirming gathering of like-minded and kind-hearted women, celebrating living their best life - this is the intention. And it manifested at We Move Forward 2015. Over three plus days, 90 women formed a close, insightful, supportive, empowering and safe community. “The synergy among the women was dreamlike – it felt as though a magic wand had cast a spell of joy upon us.” This statement captures the spoken andRead more →
Make today an extra special Valentines Day and gift yourself with an experience bursting with love! We Move Forward 2015 Only a few seats remain, so get in on it today and REGISTER!Read more →
Have you ever been involved in a project where everyone is putting in 110%? The energy is UP and there is a feeling of electricity in the air. Everybody’s heart and soul is fully engaged – they care and they are committed. That’s the energy surrounding this year’s We Move Forward conference. A Dream Team has formed and they are going to give WMF participants an experience of aRead more →
Things are REVVING UP! Registrations are filling our In Box - the MIA hotel is abuzz with preparations – speakers are fleshing out their talks – Team WMF is busy ‘getting stuff done’! And, the WMF 2015 program just keeps getting better and better. Here’s the latest news: Write On: A WMF Writer’s Workshop Are you a writer or aspiring writer? If you are, you are in for a veryRead more →